Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Zero Friction Marketing Review-The Marketing Revolution

I got the benefit of checking out ‘Zero Friction Marketing’ by Saj P and I can tell you honestly…

If you’re thinking about getting ZFM then it's most important that you read this page before you take action.

CPA marketing is the focus in the Zero Friction Marketing course. If you are not familiar with CPA it's not that complicated. Basically, CPA is like affiliate marketing but you are promoting offers where often the user only needs to enter an email or Zip code for you to get paid. (CPA stands for cost-per-action).

CPA offers are becoming very popular and can be incredibly lucrative. There are people making $100,000 a day through CPA offers.

Zero Friction Marketing is the latest CPA course created by Saj P (the creator of Affiliate Payload, Four Tier Annihilation, The Site Rush and Affiliate Funnel System). This money-making system uses a strategy called the Triple M.

This method will be focusing on using MSN/Bing, Media Buying/Banner and Myspace Ads to make a lot of money promoting CPA offers. These kind of techniques are never being mentioned anywhere else online.

Zero Friction Marketing Overview

Zero Friction Marketing course has all the latest cutting edge killer CPA tactics Saj personally uses to make a killing online..

Zero Friction Marketing review

Click Here To See It

It is called zero friction marketing because CPA offers allow you to make fat commissions without needing to generate a sale thus eliminating all the ‘friction’ from the marketing process.

What You Get In The Zero Friction Marketing Pack.

The course consists of

  • 30+ videos jam packed with 10hours content
  • 4 huge EBooks and
  • 5 process maps.

In Module 1 - you get 7 videos which all the details of how to get started with CPA Marketing:

Zero Friction Marketing Module 1

  • 2 Tricks that will allow you to determine which CPA Offers will make you money before doing anything
  • Overview of which types of offers you should choose which will make you more money
  • How to pick keywords that convert like crazy and will make you a ton of money!
  • How to set up a whole PPC Campaign the right way
  • How to use Msn Adcenter PPC
  • How To Set Up Landing Pages, Hosting etc.

In Module 2 - you get all the information about the Secret Msn Adcenter PPC which will make you crazy profits!

Zero Friction Marketing Module 2

  • How to get cheaper traffic on Msn Search (Bing) - cheaper cost per clicks means more profits for you!
  • The Sneak Trick on how to find the best converting keywords (the keywords making you the most money)
  • How to Write Ads that make searchers click your ads and makes your cpa offers almost impossible to turn down

In Module 3 - the Mystery Myspace PPC methods are explained:

Zero Friction Marketing Module 3

  • How to target Myspace users by interest and by demographics which is very powerful
  • Which CPA Offers to promote on Myspace (This 1 is highly valuable!)
  • A step by step walkthrough of how to set up a Myspace Campaign

In Module 4 - Saj P explains a very powerful method of traffic generation which is Media Buying. Media Buying can be a very hands free money stream if you know the shortcuts that are explained in this course.

Zero Friction Marketing Module 4

  • How to leverage Media Buying and Make a Killing with CPA offers
  • How to get $0.01 clicks and convert them
  • Know how to choose which CPA Offers work best with Media Buying
  • A secret list of websites of companies that will make you the most money!

Everything is explained in an easy manner in the videos, and they are very hands on.

Getting visitors (people) to sign up for these CPA offers where they don’t have to take out their credit card is really easy and if you are totally new to CPA marketing you can easily make at least $1000 in the first 5 days after going through the videos.

The Only Downside To Zero Friction Marketing

While Saj P's course is by far one of the best programs I've seen in a while there is a factor I am not too fund of.

The sales letter talks about avoiding Google and looking for these other traffic sources and gives some incredible screenshots of earnings. Now I personally find it hard to believe that Saj achieved these results without some of the more traditional methods of generating traffic. Say what you want about Google, but it is the most commonly used search engine in the world.

And especially as I have previous products where Saj discusses using Google to make money. There are tons of other traffic systems available and if you do not choose to utilize them you will never become one of the Super Affiliates of today.

Click Here To Check Out ZFM And Receive A Discount Through This Link


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